About LGA Engineering
Design Services
Construction Services
Operations and Maintenance Services
Process Safety Services
Regulatory Compliance Services
LGA Engineering Principals
How to Reach LGA Engineering


Screening studies, process selection, alternate design
studies, cost estimates, technical evaluations, facility inspections

Refrigerated propane storage tank

Screening: For a refrigerated propane and butane import terminal, LGA prepared process selection studies for modernizing and expanding the existing refrigeration system.
LNG import terminal

Design Studies: For an LNG importer, LGA evaluated vaporized gas sendout capabilities at two pressure levels. We identified short term measures for increasing capacity and analyzed recent volumes for setting a basis for added air stabilization capacity.

Facility Inspection: For an ammonia trading company, LGA made a condition survey of an ammonia barge/truck terminal, including assessment of equipment, operations, maintenance, and safety practices.

Due Diligence Inspections: We made pre-purchase inspections of four bulk LPG plants: pipeline terminals in Pennsylvania and Oklahoma, a rail terminal in New Hampshire, a marine terminal in Virginia.
However the LPG is received, it usually leaves by truck.
The Learjet was in the shop that day

And on rare occasions when circumstances required, we have performed aerial site surveys.
Last Update 27 June 2008.